Conference Papers, Academic Presentations and Lectures

“Osmanlı Anonim Şirketleri: ‘Hukuk ve İktisat’ Perspektifinden Milli İktisat Mirasını Yeniden Düşünmek,” joint-paper with Semih Gökatalay, Turkish Economy and Development Economics Workshop, METU NCC , April, 2-4, 2015 (The Ottoman Corporation: Re-thinking Institutional Legacy of National Economy Period from ‘Law and Economics’ Perspective’).

“Firm Organization in the Ottoman Empire and Turkish Republic, 1850-1950,” at Seminario de Expertos en Historia, Legislacion y Organizacion Societaria (Workshop on History, Law and Business Organizations) held on January, 28-29, 2015 in Murcia.

 “Modern İşletme Formlarının ‘Modern’ olmayan Kökenleri: Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda İşletmelerin Evrimi, 1750-1850,” presented in the Turkish Economic Association (TEA) Conference in Antalya, October, 18-20, 2014 (Pre-modern Origins of ‘Modern’ Forms of Business: Evolution of Business Forms in the Ottoman Empire, 1750-1850).

“Political Economy of Entrepreneurship in the Ottoman Empire during the Second Constitutional Period (1908-1918): An Analysis of Business Networks,” joint paper with Semih Gökatalay (METU), presented in the World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES), Ankara, 18-22 August 2014.

 “From Guilds to Corporations in the Ottoman Empire: Innovations in the Legal Form of Organization, 1750-1900,” presented in the 18th Annual Congress of the European Business History Association (EBHA), Utrecht, 21-23 August 2014.

“18. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Ekonomisinde Kurumsal Yenilikler”, held on September 18, 2014 in Ankara, Turkish Economic Association (Institutional Innovations in the Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Economy).

 “Asset Ownership in Ottoman Urban Businesses in Istanbul, 1750-1850,” presented in the 4th Asian Historical Economics Conference, 19-20 September 2014.

Türkiye’de İktisat Tarihi Çalışmalarına İlişkin Birikim,” held on June 2, 2014, at İşletmecilik Tarihi Çalıştayı, Yalova (“The Reflection on Economic History Research in Turkey,” in the First Business History Workshop in Turkey).

“Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Menkul Kıymetler Piyasasında Yenilikler, 1789-1838,” (Innovations in the Asset Markets in the Ottoman Empire, 1789-1838) held on April 25, 2014 at the Economics Department, Ankara University.

“İşletme Tarihi ve Türkiye’de Olanakları,” in “Tarihin Gizli, Tarihçiliğimizin Eksik Bahçesi: İşletme Tarihi” Paneli, February 27, 2014 in Ankara, Vehbi Koç ve Ankara Araştırmaları Merkezi, (“Business History and Its Prospects in Turkey” funded by Vehbi Koç Foundation and Ankara Research Center).

 “Geç Osmanlı ve Erken Cumhuriyet Döneminde Bir Kalkınma Stratejisi olarak Örnek Alma (Emulation),” presented in the 7th workshop of Economic Thought Initiative, İzmir, 8-9 May 2014 (Emulation as a Development Strategy in the Late Ottoman and Early Republican Period).



“Evolution of Business Organizations in the European Periphery, 1850-1950,” to be held in the XVIIth World Economic History Congress, August 2015, Kyoto.

This session will bring scholars who work on history of business firm in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean.